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Um, one just can't know for sure but this life is one hell of a well --- 821122

Writer: Sundry Fires In RainSundry Fires In Rain

Dreaming about your beloved you haven't seen in years (where you are sure about this obsolete and absolute companionship thoroughly, so "seen" literally is insignificant compared to the one in a trance, suffering consciously and not so both. You know he's the exact type he has always been. Something is supposed to be blatantly wrong for his reality to exist this way) saying that "buddy, you are the only one to bell the cat," before leaving with the car you gave away to someone 15 years ago. The beloved who never came in a dream. Firstly before this, your counterpart's feet have been touched, and he introduced himself as what he has been. You say the obvious. That wasn't needed cause he's known, known as the family and more. In the real world, his person conversed with your counterpart yesterday for as long as an asymptote in turmoil. But he said he needed to do that. He knew exactly what he did.

The car that is technically inexistent, or somewhere that we can't see & him taking it and leaving...

This whole disaster exemplifies how thorny a dilemma could be and how it could drive you nuts. Is this a "mysterious" form of precognition? Whatever it is, it is immensely overwhelming and terrible when your willingness and ability are both at their peak. And you will get the resources nonetheless, but this dilemmatic dream doesn't sound good at all. The beloved's side has been in the inevitable suffering mode, and after receiving a response from them yesterday, the last thing your purest soul needed was a dream like this.

All I can say is that I know you'd take the final call then. You can't wait. At all. The situation is tight, but you'd get the resources asap, and if this is much more rapid than destiny, a sense of relief. But the question remains, Is the soul in a trance connected with you this midnight?

This test of fire falls into the category of one's soul reaching out your pure heart and ready guts. I fully wish you could be the uplifting factor.

Here is the scenario; simultaneously, you hear utter crap about things already set and chosen fully. If you got the environment, you'd want, that's all that matters. Being unkind to your growth is fully needless. And when there's another way around, a healthy blessing, stick to your very own self. In these situations, zip up the blabbering for real. This is a sidetrack, and such a narrow mind in the usual sense it means.


Won't even say the word "proud" but only "grateful" "to" "the" "everlasting" core." Following the sunken and bloated eyes, the thoughtful mind, the weeping heart, and the restless soul, we walked a few crucial steps ahead in just a couple of hears. Thinking of it, this got me breathless in a way that ties to lamentation. This dream that was the conversation medium of a soul (for the first time that this beloved came) brought us together, as intact as that glue they both had.


Distant souls connect all the way through places unknown. As "just" a child, I am extremely grateful for how I bought my so-called "fantasy" into such a reality that needed you there. If not for the seemingly boring, long evening sessions I'd cherish forever, I wouldn't have had every part of me enchained to his soul in deep suffering and, further, randomly called him up more than a couple of times to get in touch first. I've always intuitively felt the value of your eagerness and love oozing through the infinite evenings. Moreover, someday preceding that "a couple of times" had me specifically guess him so right in this capture of you both "sticky pals." Truly, it was such a glue I craved to witness this time around [ I still remember hearing that he (the "he" I knew nothing of) would've come if he knew you would be there. That's how better Feb could've been]. Until that day, at least, none knew anything. It was such a slurring anticipation of some serious sickness but thinking about it now, at this moment, it's the anticipation of worse no more. Here we come to the cocoon we've been in. I mean, obviously so. This isn't something to share or telecast anything about. Such an internal idea about suffering that the body, heart, and soul have been going through for around three months. This is it for love between you and your beloved.

Destiny decided that the Brownian motion, the randomness and the restlessness that resulted in it, had to bring us this far. Bonding is such that one doesn't need to say in a specific format or anything like it directly for a literal physical view of the story. More unfrequent and intricate ways that don't associate with any "others." Bond, beyond biology. It's like, "I got the scenario, and here it is to you. For me to get it, your willingness has been the ultimate causative factor". Your focus on the scenario is more than enough, and you'd voluntarily take it ahead anyway. Coming back, for sages to be the wise compassion and overbound light source themselves, all these ages, our very own thoughts embody much more of us now and then. All the hands together, eyes focused, and contribution going in could (and will start to) relieve so much of the anguish experienced all lone.

Is this a "mysterious" form of precognition? Whatever it is, it is immensely overwhelming and terrible when your willingness and ability are both at their peak. Still, their side is in the inevitable suffering mode, and getting a sense of okay from them is difficult. So I know you'd take the final call then." This one falls into the category of one's soul reaching out your pure heart and ready guts. I fully wish you could be the uplifting factor.

As always, there's nothing to do but help the main person, i.e., the beloved. As a learning point, the truth that words were always supposed to be diamonds of virtues is moral. The fact that your beloved's beloved came into touch that one fine day (the day purely filled with all the randomness in place) meant that we gradually understood the whole reality that reasonably puts the mightiest in mounting disbelief, i.e., not such that the hopes are painfully gulped in the presence of such a rocky swallow but such that the morale shackles well. This exact moment, when I visually witnessed your beloved, when your counterpart did, and I made you do too, you were in no firm disbelief. We were in sheer stagnation. Brave they were, who saw him fall down this way with this horror, this wrong, this unjust. I couldn't see him at all. I was driven by circumstances this far, tears up like unending war, gone beyond this now. The time to get out of any inch of mere human notions of one's limits, the time to enchain ourselves to the embodiment of longing, hope, affirmation, reassurance, belief, conviction, and love, is here. On a side note, the love, i.e., overused but hardly loosened and mostly bruised. That is in its ultimate self if it's about us.

Coming back, this love still connected a distressed soul and a sensitive heart. The sensitivity that penetrates the sounds unheard, lone longing. All that is there to feel and envision is the gracious warmth in the one who holds that heart. That would light up his soul for sure. I am wholly smitten by you, who never let the sentence stop anywhere until and unless it clearly means that he would revert to his original hale and admiring self. And the child of your beloved has been exemplarily leading the horror this long At least, I, longing for the painting in my mind, may miss a word or 2, but none of you do that. Celestially smitten :) So, your "elaborations," I was always perfectly fine with, enlightened me with the power they hold.

This morning. Any evening, night, or shade of day, there is no "maybe" or "should." This is exactly why your silence and engrossed look can't be actualized and perceived easily by whoever that is. Your proceeding-on response to my (such) self (only in front of you) is more than enough, and I now am sure of it. I'm all this never-still embodiment of energy (relative to you), so I was the medium for the initiating phase, your counterpart was for the processing and finding stage, and finally, you for everything needed to revert his aura, alongside us two and the found ones. For a good reason, these phased roles reassure the truth that the "sync" is real to avoid "sink." Let me pray for the revert back instead of wobbling around words that don't even need to be in the scene at all—just the willpower and the morale of pure hearts, wise minds, and connected souls—nothing more, nothing less.

I momentarily wanted to share this. This sets the mood right.

Yesternight goes to be the ultimate hurdle mounting on him, and it finally did. The worst three days, critical of all time, when I don't even know if they received and opened it. Nonetheless, none of it matters. But, whenever some celebratory event comes, something critical has to be there, like what the ice cream fudge?? Let it be there, but the disconnect that can't revert to anything else is a sheer pain to visualize. Shoot, the past days. Shot, the yesterday. What if it was opened and given? What happened with it anyway? Would this disaster not exist? Honestly, screw over all this. It's all gone. I'm all disheartened like I always was.



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