The next Glimpses version is out : Sundry Fires In RainSweetest form of the joie de vivre.!AvbtopNu2rC6jOlE1hK2AF-oCNiRkg?e=jbEYmgGlimpses into the ways and kinds of stuff I loved relentlessly working on over the years. Watch out for more; so much more, but why dry it off until then ?!! Hopefully, these reference frames uplift you to get in tune with STEM and much more!
Sweetest form of the joie de vivre.!AvbtopNu2rC6jOlE1hK2AF-oCNiRkg?e=jbEYmgGlimpses into the ways and kinds of stuff I loved relentlessly working on over the years. Watch out for more; so much more, but why dry it off until then ?!! Hopefully, these reference frames uplift you to get in tune with STEM and much more!
Science Of The SoundAuthored articles and guides on advanced audio engineering techniques, including clipping, harmonic excitation, multiband waveshaping,...
This is how we do it...I'm not whether I said passion is "pass + ion," so I'm taking this moment to say it out loud! Here's one detailed advice/journal-esque...
Results day is kinda....(Wrote a little something after Year-1 ended :0 ... ) Results day is kinda like a double release - a break from the grind and seeing...