"It's just "by convention" and a "relative measure". The words amount to nothing". The thing is, it boils down to the exact field you're talking about and how the conventions, words behave here. That's why, connotations are fun and all, but the hope is that a certain set of them won't override the others and sadly, the essence itself! What you should consider referring to is the level of interpretation and here comes the subjective, perceived or personalized touch to the story, the observations of the nature and in a single word, data. It's fun when you think about the boundary conditions . Its way more rewarding to acknowledge it now than ever before! How you are a tool to bring substance to a domain with your kiss as a chef?!! By the way, think about this. If so, why is it that you're striving this hard? Suspiciously so ; for "siding" "enough"? In other words, assess the worthiness of your time, energy and all the efforts in being there but not here.
On one hand, Its an "enough" of "accuracy" that you can have in assessing so many permutations and combinations and on the other hand, Its the problematic escapism and/or pessimism in literally littlest things wherever you can, most of the times, choose and do what you gotta do with life. It's all about the denominator for you as an individual to gauge if it's "just" the "hit n miss" or not and above all, come on now, a one combination alone and throwing words around it cannot work. The actual "curiosity" lies in, say, creating something like that general rule (yeah, the math) and forming the personal/human connection on a deep and pure level, like a real good companion, so that one person gets you more than others who, more or less, have the same data but were incapable of working with it. Moreover, the "applicability" of the outcome on how many and who exactly are the bigger questions.
Above all, the one that I'm always moved by and that I witness so inherently, i.e. Lateral thinking. The one that's actually about zealously working with what's too familiar but deeply untouched.
The deranged freedom that comes with mind as a part of a body is stellar. The puzzle is to decode how and why neurons are what they are & "properly" how we think? And are we supposed to stay grateful to neurons for letting us smile, fume and even pump up the jam? This is like, if the object itself is tangibly the real deal or the corollaries of its functioning instead?
Again, it's all complex so let's go with the external world and the internal world both. It won't disappoint overall. Overall, this human body is such an unusually (and deservingly) complex system such that intrusion is essentially rare. Thankfully, we still exist ; better stay lively from in within.
And oh well, genetics and nervous system nostalgia hits hard , as much as that of atoms, coordinate geometry, congruence and literally everything in that folder does....