Hope you will have a good read!
What word(s) hit the right note(s)?
Does the new-age drive you well?
A pestering mess feels more probable. As a thought process is put forth through the terms that are interchangeably used, this combination of terms can affect the intention it comes with. Many changes come under powerful words like development, betterment, advancement, and progression. Subsets do not equate to sets. The drive is what an external force in N1L is. It is synonymous with change, the corollary of Newton’s 1st law such that the causation, the external force, in this case, comes from an unknown source, and so, is not obliged to be reasoned with. It is radical, empirical, eternal, and comes out of the blue; it stays not necessarily aligned with a few selected changes and probably waiting to be overtaken by whoever takes the call. Gravely subjective. This is a small word, right? Bigger and better words like advancement, development, progression, and betterment feel good. You may not suddenly feel good about yourself and, more often, be sinking in the latter. Sad and true. There is, however, a starting point; nonetheless, it is gradual and an ideal state toward which one aspires to travel toward. How to know where to travel toward? Whom to tell? Here comes the subjectivity. The thing is that the ideology of development is gradualism. It enhances the prior scenario. In a nutshell, it is defined as the premeditated change's phase and/or journey. Just because it is the backdrop of change, this interchangeability in many instances (if not all) disrupts the resolving power of separating the causative factors, and so mixed-up systems may evolve, which we and our future eras end up following.
The economics behind our choices, priorities, and results is interesting.
Humankind displays the infinite wants and needs of the people. Certain incentives and conditions surround them. Intrigue and introduce yourself to it. It embodies a chain reaction, mostly in the functioning of many communities, markets, industries, governments, and businesses, that, when investigated and assessed, helps us well. Individuals can embrace some level of fulfilment with the commodities and services within their affordability. Many would prefer to have more—a matter of "Why? Why? Tell 'em that it is human nature". It is not impractical or dreamy to acknowledge that the resources are definitely not infinite, and there is a cap for it if not a floor!
Resources are the inputs utilized for producing commodities and services wanted by people; for this reason, they are also called production factors (essentially, there are 4 such factors). They include manual labour utilization (mental and physical inputs), physical capital(equipment, factories, machines), assets/resources originating from nature (farming/agricultural products, lands, natural resources, jungles, numerous water bodies including those surrounding ground/land; minerals, like a variety of earth elements -- oh some periodic table! ; oil reserves). Capital commodities, investment commodities, or physical capital is manmade, like machinery, buildings, tools, factories, etc. Natural capital encompasses what it sounds like. Everything Mother Earth showered on us, from the plants to the lands. The closely infinite support system that it is for our humankind is something to be grateful for. Financial capital is more about how much you can fund yourself or get one. It is the financial capacities one has in various forms like bonds, stocks, and funds to make purchases.
More on Human capital, it could be a stable entrepreneur or even a set of those skilled and admirably active selves with righteous potential, knowledge, and capabilities. Entrepreneurship is a skilled characteristic of a fairly stewarded individual thriving to own the empire truly. Stays in the pursuit of putting all production factors into play, from creating, managing, and progressing to deciding, resolving, and evolving, in distinctive ways. Call them scarce concerning the definitive infiniteness. Can't minimize scarcity? Smart allocation of resources is the real deal. Before you are confident of it, you can only think about how often you have allocated and reallocated them so that overall allocation and under-allocation get away. Likewise, it is distribution and redistribution concerning the consumers in the income. Both need to be done wisely. What is actually starkly about this is the wisest definition of being "equal" "enough." The line blurs off, and distribution of any kind, as realistically as possible, gets in the way of what it was meant for. Individuals, groups, or societies can indulge in purchasing, producing, and such transactions until and unless it is time for scarcity, i.e., it is a noteworthy concept in itself in comprehending economies when describing inadequate factors of production that implies inadequate commodities and services. Henceforth, one's wisdom lies in good decision-optimize optimize the needful. Efficient resource usage is a better outlook of some of the major corollaries to have those within your wants and needs checklist, such that relevant production would be in process. Factually, let us note the 3 famous questions, the 3 basic economic questions "what, how, and for whom to produce?".
Nonetheless, it is as simple as it sounds; as mapped before, it is all about the decision, determinants for production, and distribution. We have thought about these questions and beyond so often that we know it is familiar to wobble about. As we deal with a single-family unit or ourselves alone, the corollaries of our choices weighed in on us, didn't they? It is just that in the field of economics, there are these questions in place.
A curious case (Past Post series)
Not necessarily confining to hi-fi jargon, forceful insertions of any kind and stringent systemic approaches but willing to drive into the nature around. Deducing from visible observations, making educated guesses and imagining the internal structure(s) of any substance by more or less dealing with perplexing and essentially new phenomena. Nikolas Tesla discovered an alternating-current (AC) electric system, which remains eminent and still used. Be its radar technology (helps detect and track spacecraft, aircraft, ships, birds, and insects in the air, ensuring safety altogether, etc.) or X-ray technology (used to detect the happenings in our body system by the doctor to diagnose, examine and treat medical conditions), etc., Tesla in his own words, “I soon discovered that……my shop. [1](Hasker,2017)” expressed that his potential to visualize perplexing rotating machinery, magnetic fields and electric currents along with their interactions and to imagine construction, enhancements, and operation of the device, permitted him to utilize (than use) the effort, money and time in establishing the designs, tests and building of his machines without any models, drawing or the empirical methods that natural sciences are known for. Likewise, the life story of Pierre & Marie Curie ended with the findings that benefited the cancer treatment such that out of the anonymity of the dangers, their invaluable lives were at stake. Such knowledge has been of respectable and beneficial value to a human in search of needs and efficiency in doing the same. Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were renowned and revolutionary in traditional science for understanding, analyzing, and establishing the foundation of space, time, the universe, and nature and the dynamics of science on Earth and beyond. Ironically, Sir Isaac Newton founded calculus and paved the way for the special theory of relativity, Lagrange’s contributions to the calculus of variations and his solution of polynomial equations. The role of calculus is undeniably applicable to economics, architecture, engineering, and physics, amongst others. So ironically, curious and imaginative minds apply to human improvement, which can be defined as when there’s efficiency, consideration of ethics, and impacts on nature (animal experimentation; for example, experiments involving the presence of toxic chemical and harmful substances, invasive surgeries and intentionally inflicted burns along with other traumas upon unanaesthetized animals too, as quoted by Liz White, director of AAC, are left unreasoned by the researchers). Also, Albert Einstein began with the imagination of a bunch of atoms bathing in light and with knowledge produced from previous work, i.e. atoms in their lower energy level could absorb photons by jumping to higher energy states, where then the atoms could emit photons with spontaneity and return to lower energies, he assumed all settle into equilibrium after enough time passed, which let him get to an equation used to quantify what the radiation would seem to be from that system. This didn’t match the observation and realism in the laboratory found by the physicists. Yet, Einstein guessed that probably the photons march in step such that the existence of that bunch travelling in the same direction would increase the probability involved in a high-energy atom releasing another photon in the same direction, i.e. the stimulated emission procedure, which, when implemented in his equations, the calculated outcomes perfectly matched with the observations. The utter puzzlement and indecision in understanding Quantum physics are undeniable, as it disobeys simplistic notions like causality, locality, and realism. However, in 1964, John Stewart Bell, a physicist, made it evident that quantum physics isn’t quixotic as his “Bell’s theorem” effectually proved that quantum entanglement is as real as the real moon and the weird contemporary acts of quantum systems are being studied for are utilizing them in a multitude of real-life applications. The quantum-logic clock at NIST, Colorado, loses/achieves a second every 3.7 billion years. NIST strontium clock would be accurate for 5 billion years (greater than the present age of Earth), which are highly fragile clocks that help GPS systems to navigate and initiate telecommunication and surveying effectually. The atomic clock utilizes the quantum theory principles for time measurement by monitoring particular radiation frequency required for electrons to jump between energy states. Still, in a vacuum chamber, each atom individually quantifies time and keeps track of the random local variations among itself and its neighbours. If more atoms were fed into the clock, it’d be 10 times more precise. Still, given the constraint in doing so, researchers aim to utilize entanglement to improve precision efficiently. Entangled atoms measure the time passage rather than being preoccupied with local variations by effectually bringing them together as a pendulum. Entangled clocks can be linked to formulating a universal network measuring time regardless of location. Also, encoding and decoding a message involves using keys (with which traditional cryptography works), where it’s hard to eliminate the risk of an eavesdropper so that keys could be compromised, which could be solved with QKD/Quantum Key Distribution. Information about the key is sent through randomly polarised photons, which limits the photon such that in QKD, it’d vibrate at a place only. The recipient can use polarised filters to decipher the key and then utilize a chosen algorithm to encrypt a message safely. Without the actual quantum key, this message is undecodable regardless of being sent over normal communication channels. As quantum rules dictate that ‘reading’ the polarised photons would always vary their states, trying to eavesdrop alerts communicators of this. Only until 88 miles does this form of utilization work. Companies like Toshiba and ID Quantique, amongst others, utilize this. The role of imagination is humongous when it’s to understanding quantum physics, which explains those that are on a microscopic scale. Having said that, quantum physics is still one of the most beneficial and progressive fields in natural sciences because there’s no ideal state. In the journey towards knowledge, objectivity is meant to overpower the dilemmas sourced by subjectivity, as the former is science, the latter is emotion-driven, and it is rather; thus, science always takes more time to establish. Being fundamentally about observation, imagination, reasoning, and intuition, it's more than what meets the eye and its nature, the ultimate master of humankind.
Regardless of the path of enormous investments and constructions or reconstructions that cost a bunch, an intuitive leader instead tends to be a lateral thinker and candied who applies simplistic characteristic streaks by building upon the pre-existing content and implementation of cost-effective methodologies to attain successes, which majorly relate to scientific patent that tend to benefit humanity. Is every other version of Microsoft Surface a ground-breaking innovation, invention, and/or very beneficial and efficient device with all-in-one features (pre-existing and new) as such? Through the lens of a student, at least to me, a Samsung Galaxy is enough for the reasons why one needs a phone (to contact, take pictures with clarity, have Gmail, WhatsApp, and Chrome) and these different versions sure don’t seem to be as intensely useful and progressive as what a great number of creations ages ago were like. The ‘old and new’ quarrel results from several highly unwanted changes in a system, ending up in new versions and sorts, resulting in major confusion in operating the system in this context.
The Grace Of The Price
Responsibility is an indispensable measure of one's virtuous morale and wilful choices. It holds weight, i.e., both the mass and gravity. Communities, collaborations, corporations, economies, and any entities in question, you name it. The belief lies in environmental ethics.
Concerns surrounding the environment, ecology, and biodiversity have already collapsed the beauty of nature, its humanity of it and the vitality of coexisting. The concerns range from natural resource depletion and lack of biodegradable substances to landfill wastes and soil degradation. Let’s not even get started on the hazardous by-products of the production phases that also reach out to the water bodies. Many animals went extinct due to the polluting acts, including but not limited to the well-known Golden Toad. It's about how something destructive gradually gets to the species and harms them; sea turtles, birds? A range of marine species? Climate change has been the talk of (more than a) town for a long time. The power plants did more harm than good. Global warming melted glaciers long ago. As I instinctively recall, Antarctica had a tough time and even eventually, the plastic waste ruined it even better. Climate change doesn't occur for an instant and moves away but persists for as long as it can. It deals with the earthly temperatures, sea levels and trends in precipitation due to greenhouse gases released into the air as by-products and unfortunate corollaries of various operations of industries, factories and corporations.
On the other hand, the terrible concrete jungles and heartless choices continue to worsen daily harmony and livelihood. In the meantime, let's think we are "just" "asymptotic" to it, but the opportunity costs and the Marginal social costs have already been there, with the Marginal private costs on the way too. With such economics in place, there is a lot in the pot to work on.
Corporate Social Responsibility incorporates the corporations’ socio-economic contribution and engagement, including a sense of conscience in what and how they do to benefit society.
Research and Development (R&D) is a significant realm, a whole other ballgame requiring a stellar support system, not just monetarily but the resource accessibility. Reforestation projects are invaluable too. Renewable energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy & renewable practices concerning appliance usage are largely helping reduce, not yet eradicate, the burdensome energy inefficiencies and carbon emissions. Tata Power Solar Systems is noteworthy in that aspect. Personally, a terrific magnitude of them have been placed and in a proper state of functioning in such nature-filled areas. In addition to community outreach on any scale, productive partnerships, structuring and advocating environmental policymaking is a good choice. It’s about public welfare and awareness, which is exactly what assists in minimizing the negative corollaries of greenwashing (synonymous with the infamous whitewashing we’ve all heard of sometime around) and uncredible behaviours and acts. Utilizing the essential utility that your reign is to benefit one another is a responsible act, isn’t it? It’s possible not to do so, too. Moreover, corporations work with a myriad of components that form the vision, an entity. And the degrees of transparency and clear-cut comprehension regarding the origins of their resources, supply chains, and decision-making aren’t just easily known to the consumers but to them too.
Furthermore, I’ve been reminiscing about a case study regarding Toyota, including its sustainable initiatives, for a good while now. There's been a diverse range of investments into Solid-state batteries, automotive prismatic batteries and dynamic wireless charging, amongst others. The complexity of continually working towards and executing it is the story's strenuous part; that's a whole different deal. Nonetheless, here's to acknowledge the reductions in emissions-per-vehicle, carbon neutral mission, affordability criterion and such striking initiatives. Additionally, with a policy of creating landfill wastage, it also uses plant-based substances such as sugarcane and kenaf in the production process to a noteworthy extent; bio-composites are an intriguing choice.
Starting from the Ford Motor Company to Nestle, a gamut of commitments has been set for the crucial years ahead. Tesla’s recycled battery packs, energy storage commodities like Powerpack and Powerwall that alleviate the reliance on electricity grids, solar energy interests with panels and roofs and carbon offsets (purchasing carbon credits to compensate the unavoidable sources of emissions through doing better elsewhere in eliminating that magnitude of carbon emissions) and the spectacular EVs organically incorporating fairly sustainable parts and processes, alongside avoiding 5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, has to be appreciated! Moreover, General Electric is another remarkable corporation that works for a variety of sectors ranging from healthcare to aviation. Reigning in the wind field, a major worldwide installation of wind turbines amounting to nearly fifty thousand, more than a hundred gigawatts of power is generated. It demonstrated an impressive interest in the energy, materials and water management technologies and systems to let, for example, water go through the cyclical process that takes it beyond a one-time use utility. And also, Patagonia has been into sustainable production concerning the outdoor clothing realm through the usage of recycled substances, sustainable fabrics and organic cotton, etc.
The question is, what exactly do you think being pricey works like? EVs (Electric vehicles) are pricey in ways more than one, but gas-powered vehicles get a frequent pass for what they sadly come with. Price is both a tangible and intangible entity. At the expense of what kinds of elements would you like to pay the price? It's up to you now.
The better resolution is conservation, a sense of preservation. This is a cyclical process, something to be cynical of and not to. Think about it.
The unrest of the actually un-associated
The horrid reality of being related
Almost many of us have had enough of this literal one-way traffic throttle towards us, being currently shown as if it’s from us, in the sense of “Oh come on, things don’t work in one-way traffic” voice, especially even when the tantrums, the taunts, the untrustworthy hearts, and mouths have been the characteristic situation, fine. This sudden but expected shift rubs you the wrong way. Things went beyond “why me?”.
All that your beloved can clearly observe and wholly tell you is ‘em better know to not always POP, i.e. prove one point, and definitely not “feel” about you not coming, when this is the second time ‘em hasn’t been anywhere (but some whereS) and oh wait, when you are all secondary, of not that “great” origins, which have nothing to do with what ‘em’s origins thoroughly invited? (N3L in a nutshell) On a whole level, you’re just the same as ever and if you were ever understood by whoever that person is, it’s all just ‘em standards. By the way, haven’t you only called more than twice and initiate to come wherever, 'cause that’s where ‘em’s trip was about? Though ‘em went to a selective where only. Interestingly, I've had enough of ‘em to feel you "through" channels, the dust of the doom.
Anarchism aggravates when these are non-negotiable relations where this is no “siding”. Both were (and still are) wrong in ways that directly hit the road they started to be in. There is that blown out proportion, for which you've clearly, to the completeness of the meaning, said you'd tell it as it is that you've never wanted these pAlaces, and here is the content like papers from ages ago to bring it out. Now, you better know you’re being provoked and pushed so that they can pull out themselves. This is the true s*** you won’t want to sit on.
“Your conflicting stances are killin' it the stupid way. By the way, isn't this whole trip for the visit? So, it's all good and done. Recall that you've said those days are done? When you are so sure about it, you don't feel "through" the one I'm hearing from. She's been there for you and I already have enough of you. Hmm, get real ".
"If he's not "that" "great" ; good to know your validation by the way ; why would you want to be counted as anything tho?". Sense-worthy.
"There saying "మాది" means we are both, unified as it sounds. And here saying the very same yields provocative questions that how so and forth? Funny how this selectivity is terribly ingrained in you". "Oh well, oh well, like to provoke me, so that you can leave? Too smart". Bubbles blasted.
"It's never the question of "when will you?" as much as it is about you will never realize that I have my ground intact, with fellas in it who give a damn about things ; definitely not provoke and leave in the middle of the brutal cold"
"Do you even know what they mean to me? If you can gauge at least a tiny bit of it, they came for you, twice, in the most shortest trip where you wandered everywhere but there (there where I initiated to come. Recall I called you? Conversed more than twice. You "forgot", perhaps. Oh pity memory! Tell me whose the one-way traffic one then?) ,.....Oh well, they're my whole world. That tells a literal lot about what's crystal clear, though it's the dust of doom in your eyes still"