After a deep breath, she sighs, smirks and says, "Agreed". You know, the first time you confront the reality of life ending, it hits hard. And not long after that, you find yourself dealing with another too early, that is, not one nearing its end, but one just beginning.
"I despise my destiny for doing what it did despite knowing my whole self".
"The demise of your dreams/paintings and your beloved can be very close to misery".
Old people and old souls both. The soul thing. Being a backbone? Think about your back. It’s gotta be laid back.
‘Just set the blown fuse right, what to fume for?’ Great line drawing art. Offbeat. Not deadbeat, but just not the right combination with you out here. That’s like a real still river in its deepest section, made up of care and compassion, sometimes seeming callous. Someone’s been containing it all while staying tangled in their own world. It’s you. On tippy toes to see each other. You’d never ask for that peesaa anymore. Now that she’s gone, you’d want none. Nothing ain’t alive anymore. I sure am, nonetheless. You know what's lost in all of this. You’ve had your good moments, cherished them even. But you are who you are. And perhaps that’s the problem but if one doesn’t get you, what can you do?
Some breathe their avarice. Been alerting her and been an example myself to demystify it for her, yet she chose the wrong authentic malfunction. And there's the multidirectional puppet over here, apart from the perpetrator. Wrong folks have the most glittery things, only as long as you haven't noticed it. Residing on pillars they feel entitled to and won’t ever stop trumpeting and boasting about things born out of someone else's blood, sweat and tears. Do all the circus acts that yield every emotion except a heartfelt smile. After the 100th mistake, the law of nature would come up.
Well, to forgive is to help relieve, to so-called self-reveal and/or self-relieve, even if full repentance hasn’t been done. But did I actually forgive? Find one who will hold themselves accountable. Love through the heart already did, so the rest is testing waters and stunning ‘em with kindness or even better, ‘did it happen?’. They’re the fellows who belled the cat and will face the music. They relived no one, especially not that intrinsically strong, graceful and healthy soul… that too secretively and zero consent. Be grateful, not entitled. You lived in her home. And her? Visual absence. Completely out of the frame. Exited the earth. Arghh, it's a whole other situation. The thing about "move on", "be strong", "had a full life" and miscellaneous ways of putting the same thing across the table is that its …empty. The sobbing hearts and sinking minds aren’t ok and that’s ok. Mourning is the art of loving what is no longer here, but forever within. Midnight ocean? Warm blanket? Chilling waters?
“Shrug your shoulders”. True. “Inhale and exhale well like this”. This one needs me stop a bit, though. Your breathing system is remarkable but here’s a starter in a whole other disposition for long that I’ll not prefer this though.
అన్నసారం? Agreed. Got to have at least some of it.